Posts in Birth
A Home Birth in Madison, IN — Indiana Birth Photographer

I woke up to the call one early morning before the sun had fully risen to the text: “Are you awake? This is a heads up text before I call you.” Shortly after came the call. It was her due date, and she was excited that it might finally be the day. I drove the hour and a half from my house to hers, watching the sun rise higher and higher as I drove. As the sun crept up, so did this ecstatic, yet calming feeling that I always get on my way to a birth.

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A Surrogate Birth at Sacred Roots Birth Center — Indiana Birth Photographer

Today I’m sharing with you all such a powerful gift. It is such loving and selfless act to carry another’s baby within yourself. To nourish and feel it grow. I have always been drawn to the act of surrogacy, and have even considered becoming a surrogate myself. In that journey, I have met so many wonderful people who have done just that. When I met Brianna and the Intended Parents (this is the term for the parents of the baby who will be carried by the surrogate), I could instantly sense the connection between them in how comfortable and trusting they were of Brianna and her ability to carry and birth their baby boy!

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A Memorable Home Birth with late Midwife LBK — Indiana Birth Photographer

Today I share a birth album with you all that is very dear to my heart. I first met Megan and her family about three years ago, to photograph their son's home birth just 8 short weeks after giving birth to my own son. I loved bonding with them and getting to know the sweet love that flowed through their country home on the west-side of Indy. When I found out that Megan was pregnant with a baby girl due late summer 2018, I was thrilled! I couldn't wait to be a part of their birth team again, in their sacred space, in that space filled with joy and love. It was awe-striking to see similarities, too, between both births. Nearly identical, in the way of birthing, sounds, sights and faces.

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A Gentle Cesarean Birth at St. Vincent Women's — Indiana Birth Photographer

April is International Cesarean Month, and I was honored to have been invited into the OR for this special family and baby's birth. This is their story: The birth of Walt. It includes infant loss, and raw and sometimes graphic images of a c-section.

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A Healing VBAC at IU Methodist in Indianapolis, IN — Indiana Birth Photographer

When I walked into Carly and Matt’s labor and delivery suite at Indiana University Methodist, I was a bit nervous because I had never met them before. I was filling in for another photographer who was sick, and hadn’t had the opportunity of meeting them before Carly was induced to deliver their 2nd baby boy. I was not there for long before I felt “officially” a part of their birth team.

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A Thanksgiving Day Home Birth | Indianapolis, Indiana

Last year, I met a wonderfully sweet soul inquiring about birth photography, who was pregnant with her first child. She confided in me that it may be she and her husband’s only biological child, as they wanted so badly to adopt any more future children. Documenting their baby’s birth became very important to them, because of this. She was concerned, however, that she would not be able to find someone willing to take a due date so closely to our American holiday - Thanksgiving. Her due date was the Saturday after that beloved holiday, after all.

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